The growing obesity problem
Modern people live a busy life, have a disordered diet, and the convenience brought about by technological advancement has also drastically reduced human activity time. The resulting obesity problem has been paid more and more attention in most parts of the world.
According to WHO data, since 1975, the global obesity population has nearly tripled! There are more than 1.9 billion adults who are overweight, and more than 650 million of them are seriously obese. What is more worthy of our attention is that more than 400 million children and adolescents around the world are overweight or obese. Children's health It has become one of the most important topics for parents .
Many medical societies such as the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association have defined obesity as a disease, while the European Union will classify obesity as a chronic disease in 2021, and even regard it as the "invisible killer" of diseases of civilization. The research report pointed out that obese people may be more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, orthopedic diseases, certain types of cancer and stroke compared with normal weight people, and obesity is also considered to be one of the preventable causes of death .
In Taiwan, according to the data released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the overweight and obesity rate of adults over the age of 18 reached 47.9%. In 2020, eight of the top ten causes of death among Chinese people are related to obesity . Therefore, obesity has become a disease that must be prevented in today's society, and it is also an important public health issue in the world.
obesity is preventable
Obesity is a medical condition caused by the continuous increase and enlargement of fat cells in the body.
Common causes include poor nutritional choices, overeating, genetics, culture, lack of sleep, metabolism, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of physical activity . Although many countries have begun to promote programs such as healthy weight management, advocating dynamic life, improving knowledge about calories and nutrition, and cultivating self-healthy weight management capabilities, hoping to further improve national obesity health problems, the most important thing about weight control is Changes in personal lifestyle, such as changes in diet, physical activity and behavior, can help improve and prevent various health problems related to obesity .
Recently, scientists have discovered that there are differences in the gut microbiota of fat and lean people, and the imbalance of gut flora may be related to fat catabolism and insulin sensitivity, which in turn increases the risk of obesity. Therefore, more and more scientists have recently conducted research on probiotics and prebiotics that can change the characteristics of intestinal flora and thus weight management. In addition, different diets have different effects on the composition and diversity of gut microbes, and experimental results show that consumption of high-fiber foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes) increases microbial diversity and is associated with weight loss .
Centennial Renrui's Secret "AB-Kefir Probiotics"
AB-Kefir, specially selected strains from the special diet "Kefir Grains" from the Caucasus Mountain Longevity Village, symbiotically fermented, and additionally added intestinal dominant bacteria A bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA1063) and B bacteria ( Bifidobacterium longum BL986 ), It is formulated as a functional live bacteria product with high activity and stability. It has been confirmed by human experiments that it can significantly help the daily health care of the stomach and constipation .
AB-Kefir Probiotics Aids in Weight Management Strategies
According to the latest animal test report, AB-Kefir probiotics can have a certain degree of impact on obesity caused by high-fat diets. The experimental results point out:
Consumption of AB-Kefir can effectively reduce body weight, reduce glucose intolerance, reduce adipocyte tissue and hepatic steatosis, and improve the composition of intestinal microbial flora . The results of this study confirm that AB-Kefir can reduce the risk of obesity by changing the composition of intestinal flora.
However, effective weight management cannot only rely on the supplement of probiotics. It must be combined with a balanced and appropriate diet, as well as regular exercise and daily routines, in order to maintain a healthy and ideal body shape!